Most Used

Explore the most used utilities and tools in this showcase.

Note: These are mostly preferenced by the author and may not be the best choice for your project.

TZod - Utility Class(es)

The TZod package is without a doubt the most useful and best built, maintained and tested package in this showcase. It provides a set of utility classes that are most useful in any project.

It can do transformations, validations, and more with ease.


As you would with zod, you import the t namespace from @mvdlei/tzod and use it to do what you need.

To functions

The to namespace provides functions to convert values to a specific type.

import { t } from "@mvdlei/node";
const url ="");
// url is now a URL object

Read more about TZod here.

Web - Simplified Fetch

The web package is a simplified and upgraded fetch tool. It provides an extended version of the fetch function with defaults for headers and base URL. This makes it super easy to send and receive JSON data from endpoints.


As you would call fetch, you import the api function from @mvdlei/web and use it to make requests.

import { api } from "@mvdlei/web";
const response = await api("");
// or with parameters
const response = await api("", {
  params: {
    key: "value",
// or make a POST request
const response = await"", {
  body: JSON.stringify(,
// or with a private endpoint from env:
const response = await api("/private/endpoint");
// will get process.env.API_URL or process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_API_URL as the base URL
// or set it manually
const response = await api("/private/endpoint", {
  origin: "",

Why is this useful? Because you don't have to worry about headers, base URL, or other configurations. It's all done for you.