
A namespace providing quick methods for creating Edge responses with commonly used status codes.

The Quick class is a wrapper around the EdgeResponse that is a wrapper on the Response class to make it easier to use.

Reference: MDN Web API Reference - Response


npm install @mvdlei/edge

Simple Usage

import { Quick } from "@mvdlei/edge";
// End response with status code 200
// Send response with status code 200 and custom body
Quick.send({ message: "Response body" });
// Send text response with status code 200
Quick.text("Text response");
// Send JSON response with status code 200
Quick.json({ key: "value" });
// Send response with custom status code
// Set status code for response (use .code() to end response)

API Reference


A namespace providing quick methods for creating Edge responses with commonly used status codes.


  • STATUS_CODES: An object containing various HTTP status codes.
export namespace Quick {
  export const STATUS_CODES: {
    OK: 200,
    CREATED: 201,
    ACCEPTED: 202,
    // ... (other status codes)


  • ok(): Quickly end the response with status code 200.
  • created(): Quickly end the response with status code 201.
  • accepted(): Quickly end the response with status code 202.
  • noContent(): Quickly end the response with status code 204.
  • resetContent(): Quickly end the response with status code 205.
  • partialContent(): Quickly end the response with status code 206.
  • ... (other methods for different status codes)
  • end(): Quickly end the response with status code 200.
  • send(body: unknown): Quickly send a response with status code 200 and custom body.
  • text(body: string): Quickly send a text response with status code 200.
  • json(body: unknown): Quickly send a JSON response with status code 200.
  • code(status: number): Send & end a response with the specified status code.
  • status(status: number): Set the status code of the response.
export namespace Quick {
  export const ok: () => Response;
  export const created: () => Response;
  export const accepted: () => Response;
  // ... (other methods)
  export const end: () => Response;
  export const send: (body: unknown) => Response;
  export const text: (body: string) => Response;
  export const json: (body: unknown) => Response;
  export const code: (status: number) => Response;
  export const status: (status: number) => EdgeResponse;

The Quick class is in the same file as the EdgeResponse class, so you can find the source code here: