Enigma - @mvdlei/kwy

Explore the utility functions and classes provided by Mvdlei.


npm install @mvdlei/key


Enigma Class

The Enigma class is used to create an instance of the Enigma cipher, allowing you to encrypt and decrypt messages.


import { Enigma } from "@mvdlei/key";
// Initialize Enigma instance
const enigma = Enigma.init(options);


Enigma.init(options: EnigmaOptions): Enigma

The init method is a static method of the Enigma class used to initialize a new Enigma instance with the provided options.

import { Enigma } from "@mvdlei/key";
const enigma = Enigma.init(options);

EnigmaOptions type

The EnigmaOptions type is used to define the options for the Enigma class.

import { EnigmaOptions } from "@mvdlei/key";
const options: EnigmaOptions = {
  privateKey: "privateKey",
  salt: "salt",
  prefix: "ddm_",
const enigma = Enigma.init(options);
privateKey property

The privateKey property is used to define the private key for the Enigma instance.

This property is required and must be a string.

This property is kept private and is not exposed in the Enigma instance.

salt property

The salt property is used to define the salt for the Enigma instance.

This property is required and must be a string.

This property is kept private and is not exposed in the Enigma instance.

prefix property

The prefix property is used to define the prefix for the Enigma instance.

This property is required with a length of 4 characters, including a trailing underscore. The default value is key_.

Enigma.encrypt(message: string): string

The encrypt method is used to encrypt a message.

import { Enigma } from "@mvdlei/key";
const encryptedMessage = enigma.encrypt("message");

Enigma.decrypt(message: string): {decrypted: string, fingerprint: string}

The decrypt method is used to decrypt a message.

import { Enigma } from "@mvdlei/key";
const decryptedMessage = enigma.decrypt("encryptedMessage");

Enigma.verify(key: string): boolean

The verify method is used to verify a key.

import { Enigma } from "@mvdlei/key";
const verified = enigma.verify("key");

Enigma.create(): string

The create method is used to create a key.

Each key is unique and can be used in your application, for example, as an API key for a user.

import { Enigma } from "@mvdlei/key";
const key = enigma.create();
