Toggle - @mvdlei/pg-toggle

The pg-toggle package provides a simple feature toggle implementation with PostgreSQL as the backend.


npm install @mvdlei/pg-toggle


The pg-toggle package depends on the following packages:

  • @mvdlei/retry
  • drizzle-orm
  • postgres-js


import { IToggle, Toggle } from "@mvdlei/pg-toggle";
const main = async () => {
  try {
    // Initialize Toggle with PostgreSQL connection options
    const toggle: IToggle = await Toggle.init({
      databaseUrl: "postgres://username:password@localhost:5432/database",
    // Create a set of toggles
    const toggles = await toggle.create({
      FEATURE_A: true,
      FEATURE_B: false,
    console.log("Toggles created:", toggles);
    // Get the status of a toggle
    const featureAStatus = await toggle.get("FEATURE_A");
    console.log("Feature A is enabled:", featureAStatus);
    // Set the status of a toggle
    const newFeatureStatus = await toggle.set("NEW_FEATURE", true);
    console.log("New feature status:", newFeatureStatus);
  } catch (error) {

API Reference


The IToggle interface defines the contract for the Toggle class.

create<T extends Record<string, boolean>>(toggles: T): Promise<T & Record<string, boolean>>

Create a set of toggles in the database.

  • toggles: An object with toggle names as keys and boolean values indicating the toggle status.

get(name: string): Promise<boolean>

Get the status of a toggle by name.

  • name: The name of the toggle.

set(name: string, enabled: boolean): Promise<boolean>

Set the status of a toggle by name. Updates if the toggle exists, creates it otherwise.

  • name: The name of the toggle.
  • enabled: The new status of the toggle.

Toggle Class

The Toggle class implements the IToggle interface.

Toggle.init(options: IClientOptions): Promise<IToggle>

Static method to initialize a new Toggle instance with the provided PostgreSQL connection options.

  • options: PostgreSQL connection options.

This method will also create the necessary tables if they don't exist.

Tables are created by the drizzle-orm package.


Basic Usage

import { IToggle, Toggle } from "@mvdlei/pg-toggle";
const main = async () => {
  try {
    // Initialize Toggle with PostgreSQL connection options
    const toggle: IToggle = await Toggle.init({
      databaseUrl: "postgres://username:password@localhost:5432/database",
    // Create a set of toggles
    const toggles = await toggle.create({
      FEATURE_A: true,
      FEATURE_B: false,
    console.log("Toggles created:", toggles);
    // Get the status of a toggle
    const featureAStatus = await toggle.get("FEATURE_A");
    console.log("Feature A is enabled:", featureAStatus);
    // Set the status of a toggle
    const newFeatureStatus = await toggle.set("NEW_FEATURE", true);
    console.log("New feature status:", newFeatureStatus);
  } catch (error) {
