Retry - @mvdlei/retry

The retry package provides a utility for retrying asynchronous operations with customizable options.


npm install @mvdlei/retry


import { IRetryOptions, Retry } from "@mvdlei/retry";
const main = async () => {
  const r = Retry.init({
    forever: true,
  const fn = async () => {
    const random = Math.random();
    if (random > 0.3) {
      throw new Error("error");
    await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 1000));
    return "ok";
  const res = await r.retry(fn);

API Reference


Options for configuring the retry behavior.

  • attempts: The maximum number of retry attempts.
  • delay: The delay between retry attempts. It can be a number or an object with min, max, and default values.
  • factor: The exponential factor for calculating delays.
  • minDelay: The minimum delay between retries.
  • maxDelay: The maximum delay between retries.
  • exponential: Flag to indicate whether to use exponential backoff.
  • forever: Flag to retry forever until successful.
  • randomize: Flag to randomize the delay between retries.

Delays are in milliseconds.

Default Options

  attempts: 3,
  factor: 2,
  delay: 1_000,
  minDelay: 1_000,
  maxDelay: 15_000,
  exponential: true,
  forever: false,
  randomize: false,


Interface defining the retry utility.

retry<T>(fn: () => Promise<T>, options?: IRetryOptions): Promise<T>

Retry a function until it succeeds or the maximum number of attempts is reached.

  • fn: The function to retry.
  • options: Optional retry options.

retry<T>(fn: () => Promise<T>): Promise<T>

Retry a function until it succeeds or the maximum number of attempts is reached.

  • fn: The function to retry.

Default options are used, or the options provided in Retry.init().

Retry Class

The Retry class implements the IRetry interface.

Retry.init(options?: Partial<IRetryOptions>): IRetry

Static method to initialize a new Retry instance with the provided options.

  • options: Optional retry options.
