
A simplified and upgraded fetch tool.

API Documentation


This module provides an extended version of the fetch function with defaults for headers and base URL.


import { api } from "@mvdlei/web";
// Example 1: Making a GET request
const response = await api("https://api.github.com/users/octocat");
// Example 2: Making a POST request
const postData = {
  username: "example",
  password: "example123",
const postResponse = await api.post("https://api.example.com/login", {
  body: JSON.stringify(postData),

With parameters

import { api } from "@mvdlei/web";
const response = await api("https://api.example.com", {
  params: {
    key: "value",

API Reference

api(input: Request | string | URL, init?: ApiInit): Promise<ApiResponse>

Extended version of fetch with defaults for headers and the base URL.

  • input: The input to be called, which can be a URL, string, or Request object.
  • init: The options for the request.
  • Returns: Promise<ApiResponse> - The response from the request.

api.post(input: Request | string | URL, init?: ApiInit): Promise<ApiResponse>

Makes a POST request using the api function.

api.put(input: Request | string | URL, init?: ApiInit): Promise<ApiResponse>

Makes a PUT request using the api function.

api.patch(input: Request | string | URL, init?: ApiInit): Promise<ApiResponse>

Makes a PATCH request using the api function.

api.del(input: Request | string | URL, init?: ApiInit): Promise<ApiResponse>

Makes a DELETE request using the api function.

api.get(input: Request | string | URL, init?: ApiInit): Promise<ApiResponse>

Makes a GET request using the api function.


Interface for initializing the API.

  • params?: Record<string, string> | URLSearchParams | string | null | undefined: The parameters added to the URL.
  • origin?: string: Base URL for the request.
  • baseUrl?: string: Base URL for the request (same as origin but with a different name).
  • path?: string: Base path for the request.


Interface representing the response from the API.

  • data: unknown: The data received in the response.
  • status: number: The status code of the response.