Strike - @mvdlei/zap

Strike class for making requests to a single endpoint.


npm install @mvdlei/zap


The Strike class allows you to make requests to a single endpoint. It provides methods for common CRUD operations, including getting a single item, creating a new item, listing items, updating an item, and deleting an item.

Strike follows the Restful API conventions. So far no customization is allowed.

Differences from Zap

With the Strike module you can define 1 model and make REST requests to it. With the Zap module you can define 1 action and use that to make a specific request.


Under the hood, Strike uses the zap module to make requests. The zap module is a wrapper around the fetch API. It is recommended to read the zap documentation before using Strike.

Creating a Strike Instance

import { Strike } from "@mvdlei/zap";
// There is no exported `strike` instance because we cannot guess the origin.
const strike = new Strike({
  origin: "",

Creating a Strike Request

const strikeRequest = strike.make(
  z.object({ id: z.string(), name: z.string() }),
    new: {
      // optional, will fallback to model above.
      input: z.object({ name: z.string() }), // or any
      output: z.object({ id: z.string(), name: z.string() }), // or any

Making Requests

const getItem = await strikeRequest.get("1");
console.log("Get Item:", getItem);
const newItem = await{ id: "2", name: "John Doe" });
console.log("New Item:", newItem);
const listItems = await strikeRequest.list({ limit: 10, offset: 0 });
console.log("List Items:", listItems);
const updatedItem = await strikeRequest.update(userId, { name: "Updated Name" });
console.log("Updated Item:", updatedItem);
await strikeRequest.delete(userId);
console.log("Item Deleted");



With this module you can group your requests by endpoint. This is useful when you have multiple endpoints in your API.

import { Strike } from "@mvdlei/zap";
import { z } from "zod";
const s = new Strike({
  origin: "",
const todos = s.make(
    userId: z.number(),
    id: z.number(),
    title: z.string(),
    completed: z.boolean(),
const router = {
  //...other endpoints
const main = async () => {
  const result = await router.todos.get("123");
  console.log("result", result);


import { Strike } from "@mvdlei/zap";
import { z } from "zod";
const s = new Strike({
  origin: "",
const todos = s.make(
    userId: z.number(),
    id: z.number(),
    title: z.string(),
    completed: z.boolean(),
const main = async () => {
  const getted = await todos.get("1");
  console.log("Getted", getted);
  const posted = await{ title: "test", completed: false, userId: 1 });
  console.log("Posted", posted);
  const listed = await todos.list({ limit: 2, offset: 3 });
  console.log("Listed", listed);
  const updated = await todos.update("1", { title: "test2" });
  console.log("Updated", updated);
