useFetch Hook

A React hook for fetching data with loading, error, and result states. Easy abort and error handling.


Pre-requisite: You need to have react and react-dom installed in your project.

npm install @mvdlei/hooks

Simple Usage

import { useFetch } from './useFetch';
const MyComponent = () => {
  const { data, error, loading, mutate, abort } = useFetch("");
  // Your component logic here
  return (
    // Your JSX code here

API Reference


A hook to make requests with the Fetch API in React.


  • url: URL | string | Request: The URL to request.
  • options?: RequestInit: The options to pass to fetch.
  • config?: Partial<FetchConfig>: The configuration for the request.


An object containing the following properties:

  • mutate: () => Promise<void>: A function to make the request.
  • abort: () => void: A function to abort the current request.
  • data: T | undefined: The response data.
  • error: HTTPError | undefined: The error object if the request fails.
  • loading: boolean: A boolean indicating whether the request is in progress.


An error class representing an HTTP error.

export class HTTPError extends Error {
  constructor(public response: Response);


A type representing the configuration for the request.

FetchConfig is a generic type that takes a type parameter T representing the response data.

export type FetchConfig = {
  timeout?: number | string | null | undefined;
  onSucces?: (data: T) => void | Promise<void>;
  onError?: (error: HTTPError) => void | Promise<void>;
  onAbort?: () => void | Promise<void>;


const { data, error, loading, mutate, abort } = useFetch("");


  • You can provide additional options and configurations according to the Fetch API and the provided FetchConfig type.